Wednesday, February 8

Ministry: Possible

How blessed I am.

Last night, one of my best friends asked Nicole and me to come and teach his home fellowship group about spiritual gifts . It is, surely, a topic I am passionate to discuss. Much because of my own spiritual gift as a shepherd. We were not 100% prepared for the time, but just prayed for the Holy Spirit to work through us and move in that place. And that He did.

I spoke for the first 15 minutes and then we broke up so that we could cover more ground and talk with the individuals to help them discover their own giftedness. Nicole met with the women and I met with the men. Surely, God worked. Nicole and I both marveled afterwards at how He moved in our midst. Many of the women came and told me what an eloquent and well spoken wife I have. Indeed.

But the cool thing is, Nic and I both realize it's not because of us. It's because of what the Spirit did through us. And I can't help but thank God for a wife who I can do ministry with on a daily basis. A wife that loves God and He uses mightily. A Proverbs 31 woman.

Men, belive me when I say, you want the same. Pray for it. Don't settle. God has someone that you will be able to do ministry with daily. They will bless, not only your marriage, but the kingdom. And that's all that matters in the eternal scheme of things anyway.

Tuesday, February 7

Quick Update

There's so much going on right now. It's almost unbelievable. But God is so very good through it all. I don't have time to write much at this moment, but I wanted to give you all an update and let you know that I haven't forgotten about you.

  1. Nicole is feeling sick, tired, hungry, fat and, sometimes, disgusting. But the baby (or Bam Bam as we have come to call the unborn child) is well. We viewed the first sonogram last week. How amazing, that at seven weeks, this child no larger than a peanut has a heartbeat. Truly incredible. There will be more to come on that topic soon.
  2. We both went on a trip to Flagstaff for the weekend with our church high school group to help with the kids in our weekly home group. God showed up in big ways and did a lot. Praise Him!
  3. I am sick, so please be praying. My job isn't exactly the type of position you can take off a couple days because you don't feel well.
And that's about it. For now at least. Look out for more soon.