Tuesday, June 20

The Oh-So-Cute Belly, Nursery and Other News

Okay, for those of you who aren't around and have been asking about Nicole's belly, here's a snapshot.

I sure did marry UP! Isn't she adorable? Gosh, I'm the luckiest, most blessed man I know.

In other news, Nic and I have been in a crazy "nesting" phase. We started on the nursery, but then we decided to paint almost every other room in the house and totally redecorate before the little bambina arrives. Here's a snapshot of the newly painted nursery.

Aren't the colors great?!And here's Riley's way too cute and growing wardrobe.

I wish they made onsies for adults. That would be sweet!Life is thrilling right now, but it's kind of just a big waiting game. As in, we can't wait to meet Riley. Keep all three of us in your prayers as we near the big day (which is September 25th still, if you were wondering). And thank you all for participating in our lives.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I am so excited for you guys, and it is such a blessing to see (read) your dependence on the Lord for his provision as you prepare to enter the parenting stage (scary!). I love the color you picked out for the nursery, too. Blessings on all 3 of you! Keep blogging! :-)