Wednesday, November 30

Supplemental Benefit 1: Packed Lunches

I’m convinced. One of the very best things about marriage is daily packed lunches. I may be overstating the greatness of this seemingly small benefit, but I think it's absolutely fantastic. Seriously, since we’ve been married, I haven’t once paid to eat out. Not only am I saving time and money, though, I’m losing weight. I think lunch is only half the cause of this last effect, but nonetheless, it helps.

One thing I forget sometimes is Nic writes these corny little names on my lunch sack. Don Juan, Hunk of Burning Love, Prince Charming, The J in “N and J”, Hubby, and World’s Best Kisser are among a few of the most recent titles. So yesterday, as I’m sitting having lunch with someone at work in the break room, I notice he keeps looking at me strangely. Not until after he left and I go to throw away my lunch sack did I recall big fat Studalicious in permanent black ink was facing him as we ate. I don’t want to know what he thought.

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