Monday, May 22

The Honey-Do List

Believe me when I say there are a ton of things I need to do inside, outside and around the house. From yard work to painting to trash removal and everything in between, it's a long list.

This week, while Nic was stretching her expanding belly at Yoga class, I decided I would start on some of the items I knew needed completion. Following a trip to Home Depot for the necessary supplies and a little weed work out front, I started on the hall bathroom toilet. The water's been overflowing, requiring us to turn off the water supply after every restroom use. Annoyed isn't quite the word to fully explain my frustration with this problem.

So, after a long time of procrastination, I started to replace our old ballcock (seriously, that's the name for the toilet part). After I finished the instillation, I turned the water back on. Much to my surprise, I hadn't sufficiently locked one of the mechanisms, thereby resulting in a steady and cold stream of water shooting straight out of the toilet, up into my face, and all around the bathroom. It was straight out of a slapstick comedy. Luckily, Nicole wasn't there to see it. Unfortunately, however, a short while later when Nicole was home, I tried unlocking the ballcock to move it higher and raise the water supply to the appropriate level. What I didn't know was that I had accidentally left the water on, and therefore, it happened again. Like Old Faithful, the toilet shot water to the ceiling of the bathroom, directly into my face and all over Nicole's jewelry and other accessories.

While it was funny after the fact, all I kept thinking as I worked on the toilet tank was Thank You, Lord I'm not a plumber. Ah, the joys of marriage and the never ending honey-do list. I did get a nice kiss out of my hard work, though. And that always makes up for toilet water shooting into your eyes.

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