Monday, August 14

Geez, I'm Sore

I woke up this morning, more sore than I thought possible. The reason I awoke so unspeakably achy was due to my weekend activity. With only six weeks to go until Riley's here, our time is quickly dwindling to set the house in order and accomplish the things we wish to accomplish. So, my father-in-law, Bill and I, installed wood flooring in her room yesterday. It really wasn't too difficult and only took about four hours, but geez am I hurting today!

Even though I'm hurting, it was worth it. I can't believe how beautiful her room turned out. It's the perfect baby girl's nursery. We also hung pictures and mirrors and put her crib together. Last night, Nicole caught me standing silently in the room, looking at everything and smiling. She asked, "Do you love it?"

"I love the person that's going to live here," I answered.

And that, my friends, is the plain and simple truth. I can't wait to meet my daughter.

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