Wednesday, August 23

A Brief Update

Not much has changed. We're just crazy busy right now preparing (as much as new parents can be prepared) for this little bambina and trying to rest as much as humanly possible, knowing that this may be the last time we have to rest for quite a long while. Here are the things going on right now:

  • We started a three week birth class; this is a story in of itself which I will save for another time
  • We took a breast feeding class; again, another story for another time
  • Nicole is getting more and more uncomfortable and having trouble sleeping; thankfully for her, she's done working at the end of next week, but your prayers are appreciated
  • Nicole and I took a long weekend trip to Sedona for our birthdays, which, needless to say, was wonderful
  • The whole concept of becoming a parent is still, totally and 100% weird, yet awesome

That's about it for now. We'll be back with more soon. Stay tuned for the latest ultrasound pictures, which we will post within the week after Nicole visits the doctor this Friday. Riley's bound to look much more human and far less alien than last ultrasound.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I love reading your updates, and am so excited for you guys! how much longer til we get to see picture of Riley in the flesh? :-) Can't wait!